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香港大學助理教授Jingqi Wang:供應鍊中創新供應商的最優投資決策

2014年12月26日 00:00

【主講】香港大學助理教授Jingqi Wang






【摘要】We study a supply chain consisting of an upstream supplier who invests in innovation, which increases the value of products to users, and downstream manufacturers who sell to users. Analyzing a bargaining model, we find that the supplier’s optimal innovation level is higher under downstream competition than under a downstream monopoly if the supplier does not have a strong bargaining power. If the supplier already has a strong bargaining power, the supplier should make more innovation investment only if the downstream competition is relatively mild. Interestingly, we find that if the supplier has a strong bargaining power, an intense competition between downstream manufacturers negatively impacts the supplier’s profit. Finally, we show that a stronger bargaining power may not always benefit manufacturers.

【簡曆】香港大學助理教授WANG Jingqi的簡曆
