Journal Articles:
1. “Currency Areas and Monetary Coordination,” (with Shouyong Shi), International Economic Review, Volume 51, August 2010, Pages 813-836.
2. “Marginal Likelihood Calculation for Gelfand-Dey and Chib Method,” (with Chun Liu), Economics Letters, Volume 115, Issue 2, May 2012, 200–203.
3. “Oil Price Stabilization and Global Welfare”, (with Kang Shi, Juanyi Xu and Zhouheng Wu), Journal of Development Economics, Volume 111, November 2014, Pages 246–260.
4. “Labor Market Flexibility and the Real Exchange Rate,” (with Qingyuan Du), Economics Letters, Volume 136, Issue 2, November 2015, 13-18.
5. “On the Choice of Monetary Policy Rules for China: A Bayesian DSGE Approach,” (with Bing Li), China Economic Review, Volume 44, July 2017, Pages 166–185.
6. “Investigating the Role of Money in the Identification of Monetary Policy Behavior: A Bayesian DSGE Perspective,” (with Bing Li and Pei Pei), Macroeconomic Dynamics, January 2020, 1-43. doi: 10.1017/S1365100519000762.
7. “Structural Changes and the Real Exchange Rate Dynamics,” (with Jiandong Ju, Justin Lin and Kang Shi), Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 107, April 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jimonfin.2020.102192.
8. “Changes in Earnings Inequality: the Role of China’s Preferential Lending Policy”, (with Chong-En Bai and Wen Yao), Journal of Development Economics, Volume 145, June 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jdeveco.2020.102477.
Articles in Chinese:
9. 《資源錯配的來源、趨勢與分解》(with 朗昆),“經濟學報”,2021年6月,132-156
10. 《人民币彙率重要嗎?中美雙邊貿易影響因素的分析》(with 馮明,劉淳),“投資研究”,2012年第6期
11. 《中美貿易的反比較優勢之謎》(with 鞠建東, 馬弘, 魏自儒, 錢穎一),“經濟學(季刊)”,2012年第3期
12. 《中國制造業産業集聚與地區經濟增長》(with 潘文卿),“BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站學報(哲學社會科學版)”,2012年第1期
13. 《中國産業CO2排放的因素分解:基于LMDI模型》(with 王棟,潘文卿,高旭東),“系統工程理論與實踐”,2012年第6期
14. 《使用貝葉斯方法識别股市變結構模型》(with 劉淳,張晗),“BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站學報(自然科學版)”,2011年第2期
15. 《中國經濟高增長與人民币實際彙率基本穩定相一緻》(with 鞠建東,林毅夫),“中國社會科學報”,2012年5月14日,A-04版