Ning Jia, Arun Rai, Xin Xu, Reducing Capital Market Anomaly: The Role of Information Technology Using an Information Uncertainty Lens, Management Science, Vol.2, No.66, pp.979-1001, 2020
Ning JIA, "The impact of accounting restatements on corporate innovation strategy", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Vol.38, No.3, pp.219-237, 2019
Ning JIA, Xinshu Mao, Rongli Yuan, "Political Connections and Directors’and Officers’Liability Insurance", Journal of Corporate Finance, No. 58, pp.353-372, 2019
Ning JIA, "Tournament Incentives and Stock Price Crash Risk", Accounting Horizons, Vol.32, No.3, pp.101-121, 2018
Ning JIA, Xuan Tian, "Accessibility and Materialization of Firm Innovation", Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol.48, No.1, pp.515-541, 2018
Ning JIA, "Corporate Innovation Strategy and Stock Price Crash Risk", Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol.53, No.1, pp.155-173, 2018
Ning JIA, "The Impact of Accounting Restatements on Corporate Innovation Strategy", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2018
Ning JIA, Arun Rai, 徐心, "Reducing Capital Market Anomaly: The Role of Information Technology Using an Information Uncertainty Lens", Management Science, 2018
Ning JIA, "Should Directors Have Term Limits? – Evidence from Corporate Innovation", European Accounting Review, Vol.26, No.4, pp.755-785, 2017
Ning JIA, Dan Wang, "Skin in the Game: General Partner Capital Commitment, Investment Behavior and Venture Capital Fund Performance", Journal of Corporate Finance, No. 47, pp.110-130, 2017
Ning JIA, "Tournament Incentives and Audit Fees", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Vol.36, No.5, pp.358-378, 2017
Ning JIA, "Diversification of Pre-IPO Ownership and Foreign IPO Performance", Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol.48, No.4, pp.1031-1061, 2017
Ning JIA, "Corporate Innovation Strategy, Analyst Forecasting Activities, and the Economic Consequences", Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Vol.44, No.5-6, pp.812-853, 2017
Ning JIA, Xuesong Tang, "Directors’and Officers’Liability Insurance, Independent Director Behavior and Governance Effects", Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2017
賈甯, "追随我心", 财務與會計, 5期, 23-24頁, 2017
賈甯, 文武康, "上市公司董事會秘書有價值嗎?基于市值管理的視角", 中國會計評論, 3期, 14卷, 1-1頁, 2017
賈甯, "如何駕馭創業投資雙刃劍", 清華金融評論, 8期, 28-31頁, 2016
Ning JIA, “Equity Financing for Early-Stage Companies in China”, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 3,26, 2014/6/1
賈甯,梁楚楚, “董事高管責任保險、制度環境與公司治理—基于中國上市公司盈餘管理的視角”,保險研究,7,57-67, 2013/8/1
吳少凡,賈甯,陳曉, “創業投資在IPO公司盈餘管理中的角色”,中國會計評論,1, 2013/6/1
賈甯, “One Bed, Two Dreams?” Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship, 2012/9/1
F.Warren McFarlan,賈甯,Justin Wong, “IT Services and Software in China”,Management of Information System Quarterly Executive,第11期第1卷, 2012/1/2
劉明忠,張同波,賈甯, “一種以市場為導向的管控方法——新興鑄管的“兩制”管控體系“,清華管理評論, 2012/1/1
賈甯. 李丹, “創業投資管理對我國企業上市表現的影響”,南開管理評論,第1期, 2011/1/31
賈甯、李丹. 2011. “創業投資管理對我國企業上市表現的影響”.南開管理評論.第1期.
邱昱芳、賈甯、吳少凡.2011. “财務負責人的專業能力影響公司的會計信息質量嗎?-基于中國上市公司财務負責人專項調查的實證研究”.會計研究.第4期.
賈甯. 2010. “資本市場危機與上市公司監管——薩班斯-奧克斯利法案引發的學術論争”.經濟學動态. 第7期.
賈甯、張海燕、陳曉. 2010. “品牌的市場估值效應與啟示”.中國會計評論.第3期.
翟進步、賈甯、李丹.2010. “中國上市公司收購兼并的市場預期績效實現了嗎?”金融研究.第5期.
張海燕、賈甯、匡芳.2010. “後股改時代的關聯交易及大股東角色的蛻變”.BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站學報.第6期.
李丹、賈甯.2009. “盈餘質量、制度環境與分析師預測”.中國會計評論.第4期.
F. Warren McFalan,賈甯,李曉輝, “新興鑄管:危機下的管控體系變革”,工作論文,2011/12/11
F. Warren McFarlan,賈甯,W. Liu,曹珊珊:“Xinhua Hospital: Implementation of EMR Project”,哈佛商業案例庫, 2013/12/11
F. Warren McFarlan,賈甯,W. Liu,張弘:“Peking University People’s Hospital: An IT-led Upgrading in the New Healthcare Reform”, 2013/12/11
F. Warren McFarlan,賈甯,郭甯:“China Machine Press‘,哈佛商業案例庫, 2013/12/11
賈甯、張弘:“BeyondSoft IPO (A)”,哈佛商學院案, 2012/11/19
賈甯、曹珊珊:“路翔股份:華麗轉型之後”,BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站案例中心案例, 2012/11/19
賈甯、張弘:“BeyondSoft IPO (B)”,哈佛商學院案例, 2012/11/19
F. Warren McFarlan, 夏冬林, 賈甯, Ziqian Zhao:“Juner New Materials: On the Road to IPO“, Harvard Business Publishing, TU0003-PDF-ENG, 2011/1/3
George Foster, 何曉斌, 賈甯, “想法轉移:新創企業速成戰略”, 北大商業評論, 3,116, 2014/6/1
何曉斌,George Foster,賈甯, “價值鍊重組下的創業戰略”,北大商業評論,第112期,110-114, 2013/11/1
何曉斌,George Foster,賈甯, “New enterprise’s product strategy”, Beijing Business Review,108,96-101, 2013/7/1
賈甯,何曉斌,George Foster, “新創企業的浪潮戰略”,北大商業評論,106,70-79, 2013/1/1
Foster, G., Davila, A., and Ning JIA.2010. “Suntech Power Holdings (A): The Pre-IPO Years”, 哈佛商學院出版社
Foster, G., Davila, A., and Ning JIA.2010. “Suntech Power Holdings (B): The Post-IPO Years”, 哈佛商學院出版社
賈甯, 賈甯财務講義, 中信出版社, 2020
賈甯等.2014. Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Around the Globe and Early-Stage Company Growth Dynamics – the Entrepreneur’s Perspective.世界經濟論壇出版.
賈甯等.2012. Global Entrepreneurship and the Successful Growth Strategies of Early-Stage Companies.世界經濟論壇出版.
賈甯等. 2011. 創業資本與創業金融(譯作). 機械工業出版社.