1.Kai Cao and Haifeng You, “Fundamental Analysis via Machine Learning”, Financial Analyst Journal, Forthcoming.
2.Allen Huang and Haifeng You, “Artificial Intelligence in Financial Decision Making”, Handbook of Financial Decision Making (2023): 315-335. Edward Elgar Publishing,
3.Tony Elavia, SP Kothari, Xu Li, and Haifeng You, “Gains from Markowitz Optimization: Evidence from Re-optimization of Mutual Fund Holdings”, Journal of Portfolio Management (2022) 48(3): 199-218.
4.Patricia Dechow and Haifeng You, “Understanding the Determinants of Analyst Target Price Implied Returns”, The Accounting Review (2020) 95(6): 125-149.
5.Richard Sloan and Haifeng You, “Wealth Transfer via Equity Transactions”, Journal of Financial Economics (2015) 118(1): 93-112.
6.Kevin Li and Haifeng You, “What is the Value of Financial Analysts? Evidence from Coverage Initiations and terminations”, Journal of Accounting and Economics (2015) 60(2-3): 141-160.
7.Haifeng You, “Valuation-driven Profit Transfer among Corporate Segments”, Review of Accounting Studies (2014) 19 (2): 805-838.
8.Patricia Dechow and Haifeng You, “Analysts’ Motives for Rounding EPS Forecasts”, The Accounting Review (2012) 87 (6): 1939-1966.
9.Neslihan Ozkan, Zvi Singer, and Haifeng You, “Mandatory IFRS Adoption and the Contractual Usefulness of Accounting Information in Executive Compensation”, Journal of Accounting Research (2012) 50(4): 1077-1107.
10.Scott Richardson, Richard Sloan, and Haifeng You, “What Drives Stock Prices Move? Fundamentals vs. Investor Recognition”, Financial Analyst Journal (2012) 68(2): 30-50.
11.Maria Nondorf, Zvi Singer, and Haifeng You, “A Study of Firms Surrounding the Threshold of Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 Compliance”, Advances in Accounting(2012) 28(1):96-110.
12.Zvi Singer and Haifeng You, “The Effect of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Earnings Quality”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance (2011) 26(3):556-589.
13.Haifeng You and Xiao-Jun Zhang, “Limited Attention and Stock Price Drift Following Earnings Announcements and 10-K Filings”, China Finance Review International (2011) 1(4): 358-387
14.Ryan LaFond and Haifeng You, “The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act, Bank Internal Controls and Financial Reporting Quality”, Journal of Accounting and Economics (2010) 49 (1-2): 75-83 (Invited discussion paper)
15.Xiao-Jun Zhang and Haifeng You, “Financial Information Complexity and Investor Underreaction to 10-K Information”, Review of Accounting Studies (2009) 14: 559-586
16.陳冬華 陳富生 沈永建 尤海峰 , “高管繼任、職工薪酬與隐性契約——基于中國上市公司的經驗證據”, 經濟研究 2011年 S2期: 100-111
1.Guoman She, John Wei, and Haifeng You, “Concentration of vertically related industries, firm risk, and the cost of equity capital”, 2023, Under preparation for resubmission to Management Science
2.Guoman She and Haifeng You, “Does the Stock Market Allocate Capital Efficiently? Evidence from Aggregate Earnings”, 2023
3.Kevin K. Li and Haifeng You. “Does the Public Stock Market Allocate Capital Toward More Productive Firms? Evidence from the UK Public and Private firms”, 2023
4.Qingjie Du, Yang Wang, Chishen Wei, John Wei, and Haifeng You, “Does the Speculative Frenzy in Bitcoin Spread to the Stock Market?”, 2023