"Productivity Gains from Trade: Bunching Estimates from Trading Rights in China", (with Yunong Li and Jianguo Wang), Review of Economics and Statistics, accepted. [Paper]
"Global Corporate Tax Competition Challenges Climate Change Mitigation", (with Yuwan Duan, Zengkai Zhang, Yuze Li, Shouyang Wang, and Cuihong Yang), Nature Climate Change (28 March 2024). [Paper] [Policy Brief]
"Do Housing Regulations Affect Child Development? Evidence and Mechanisms", (with Han Li, Jiangyi Li and Huihua Xie), Journal of Public Economics (November 2023), Vol.227, 104995. [Paper]
"Valuing Domestic Transport Infrastructure: A View from the Route Choice of Exporters", (with Jingting Fan and Wenlan Luo), Review of Economics and Statistics (Novermber 2023), Vol. 105(6), 1562-1579. [Paper]
"Responses of Exporters to Trade Protectionism: Inference from the U.S.-China Trade War", (with Lingduo Jiang, Hong Song, and Guofeng Zhang), Journal of International Economics (January 2023), Vol. 140, 103687. [Paper]
"Did Trade Liberalization with China Influence US Elections?", (with Yi Che, Justin Pierce, Peter Schott, and Zhigang Tao), Journal of International Economics (November 2022), Vol. 139, 103652. [Paper]
"The Effects of Computer-Assisted Learning on Students' Long-Term Development", (with Nicola Bianchi and Hong Song), Journal of Development Economics (September 2022), Vol. 158, 102919. [Paper]
"Environmental Regulations and International Trade: A Quantitative Economic Analysis of World Pollution Emissions", (with Yuwan Duan, Ting Ji and Siying Wang), Journal of Public Economics (November 2021), Vol. 203, 104521. [Paper]
"Import Competition and Firm Innovation: Evidence from China", (with Qing Liu, Ruosi Lu and Tuan Anh Luong), Journal of Development Economics (June 2021), Vol. 151, 102650. [Paper]
"The Effects of Fuel Standard Regulations on Air Pollution: Evidence from China", (with Pei Li and Jin Wang), Journal of Development Economics (September 2020), Vol. 146, 102488. [Paper]
"Housing Wealth and Labor Supply: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design", (with Han Li, Jiangyi Li and Huihua Xie), Journal of Public Economics (March 2020), Vol. 183, 104139. [Paper]
"Competition, Markups, and Gains from Trade: A Quantitative Analysis of China Between 1995 and 2004", (with Wen-Tai Hsu and Guiying Wu), Journal of International Economics (January 2020), Vol. 122, 103266. [Paper]
"Expenditure Response to Health Insurance Policies: Evidence from Kinks in Rural China", (with Ju Shi and Wanyu Yang), Journal of Public Economics (October 2019), Vol. 178. [Paper]
"Place-Based Policies, Creation, and Agglomeration Economies: Evidence from China’s Economic Zone Program", (with Jin Wang and Lianming Zhu), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (August 2019), Vol. 11, 325-360. [Paper]
"Gender Gap under Pressure: Evidence from China’s National College Entrance Examination", (with Xiqian Cai, Jessica Pan, and Songfa Zhong), Review of Economics and Statistics (May 2019), Vol. 101, 249-263. [Paper]
"Exposure to Chinese Imports and Media Slant:Evidence from 147 U.S. Local Newspapers over 1998-2012", (with Xiang Shao and Zhigang Tao), Journal of International Economics (September 2018), Vol. 114, 316-330. [Paper]
"Recover Overnight? Work Interruption and Worker Productivity", (with Xiqian Cai, Jie Gong, and Songfa Zhong), Management Science (August 2018), Vol. 64, 3489-3500. [Paper]
"The Effect of Teacher Gender on Student's Academic and Noncognitive Outcomes", with (Jie Gong and Hong Song), Journal of Labor Economics (July 2018), Vol. 36, 743-778. [Paper]
"Career Concerns and Multitasking Local Bureaucrats: Evidence of A Target-Based Performance Evaluation System in China", (with Jie Chen and Pei Li), Journal of Development Economics (July 2018), Vol. 133, 84-101. [Paper]
"Product Cycle, Contractibility, and Global Sourcing", (with Xiaoping Chen and Lianming Zhu), Journal of Development Economics (July 2017), Vol. 127, 283-296. [Paper]
"Identifying FDI Spillovers", (with Zhigang Tao and Lianming Zhu), Journal of International Economics (July 2017), Vol. 107, 75-90. [Paper] [Appendix]
"Does Environmental Regulation Drive away Inbound Foreign Direct Investment? Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in China", (with Xiqian Cai, Mingqin Wu and Linhui Yu), Journal of Development Economics (November 2016), Vol. 123, 73-85. [Paper]
"Does Flattening Government Improve Economic Performance?", (with Pei Li and Jin Wang), Journal of Development Economics (November 2016), Vol. 123, 18-37. [Paper]
"Firm Investment and Exporting: Evidence from China’s Value-Added Tax Reform", (with Qing Liu), Journal of International Economics (November, 2015), Vol. 97 (2), 392-403. [Paper]
"Trade Liberalization and Markup Dispersion: Evidence from China's WTO Accession", (with Linhui Yu), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (October 2015), Vol. 7 (4), 221-253. [Paper] [Appendix]
"Once an Enemy, Forever an Enemy? The Long-run Impact of the Japanese Invasion of China from 1937 to 1945 on Trade and Investment", (with Yi Che, Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of International Economics (May 2015), Vol. 96 (1), 182-198. [Paper]
"How Do Exporters Respond to Antidumping Investigations?", (with Zhigang Tao and Yan Zhang), Journal of International Economics (November 2013), Vol. 91 (2), 290-300. [Paper] [Appendix] [Slides]
"Import Competition and Skill Content in U. S. Manufacturing Industries", (with Travis Ng), Review of Economics and Statistics (October 2013), Vol. 95 (4), 1404–1417. [Paper]
"Exporting Behavior of Foreign Affiliates: Theory and Evidence from China", (with Jiangyong Lu and Zhigang Tao), Journal of International Economics (July 2010), Vol. 81 (3), 197-205. [Paper]
"Geographic Concentration and Vertical Disintegration: Case of China", (with Ben Li), Journal of Urban Economics (May 2009), Vol. 65 (3), 294-304. [Paper]
"Bi-sourcing in the Global Economy", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of International Economics (April 2009), Vol. 77 (2), 206-214. [Paper] [Appendix]
"Economic Institutions and FDI Location Choice: Evidence from US Manufacturing Firms in China", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Comparative Economics (September 2008), Vol. 36 (3), 412-429. [Paper]
周佳音、陸毅. "土地市場降溫與地方政務債務風險:來自區縣級數據的證據", 數量經濟技術經濟研究 2024(2024年7月),28-48
蔣靈多、陳虹曦、陸毅、張國峰. "消費結構升級與出口産品質量提升", 數量經濟技術經濟研究 2024(2024年5月),5-26
孫天陽、陸毅. "中國-東盟經貿合作:西部陸海新通道的現狀考察", 經濟與管理評論 2024(2024年4月),19-30
董豐、陸毅、許志偉、孫浩甯. "金融泡沫、脫實向虛與經濟增長----動态多部門資産泡沫的理論視角", 經濟學(季刊) 2024(2024年3月),360-378
陸毅、董豐、王思卿、孫浩甯. "資産泡沫及其政策應對:一個文獻綜述", 世界經濟 2024(2024年2月), 93-125
顔傑、周茂、李雨濃、陸毅. "外資進入、市場不确定性與本土企業商業信用供給", 中國工業經濟 2023(2023年12月), 153-170
宋紅、張慶、陸毅. "消費信貸與家庭人力資本投資", 金融研究 2023(2023年1月), 131-149
段玉婉、陸毅、蔡龍飛. "全球價值鍊與貿易的福利效應:基于量化貿易模型的研究",世界經濟 2022(2022年6月), 3-31
孫天陽、陸毅、成麗紅. "港口管理“ 放管服” 改革與出口結構升級", 世界經濟 2022(2022年3月), 134-160
汪昊、郭玉清、陸毅. "中國增值稅轉嫁、歸宿及減稅效應:一般均衡分析", 經濟研究 2022(2022年2月), 73-89
張國峰, 陸毅, 蔣靈多. "關稅沖擊與中國進口行為", 金融研究 2021(2021年10月), 40-58
朱恒鵬, 楊志勇, 洪俊傑, 陳彥斌, 陸毅. "深入學習貫徹習近平總書記“七一”重要講話精神筆談", 經濟學動态 2021(2021年9月), 3-21
陸毅, 孫天陽. "以科學規範的經濟學研究方法講好中國故事", 經濟學(季刊) (2021年9月), 1877-1882
蔣靈多, 陸毅, 張國峰. "自由貿易試驗區建設與中國出口行為", 中國工業經濟 (2021年8月), 75-93
封進, 陸毅, 宋弘. "積極應對人口老齡化與公共财政支出結構調整", 人民論壇·學術前沿 (2021年5月), 78-83
王偉同, 李秀華, 陸毅. "減稅激勵與企業債務負擔----來自小微企業所得稅減半征收政策的證據", 經濟研究 (2020年8月), 105-120
孫天陽, 陸毅, 成麗紅. "資源枯竭型城市扶助政策實施效果、長效機制與産業升級", 中國工業經濟 (2020年7月), 98-116
宋弘,陸毅. "如何有效增加理工科領域人才供給?----來自拔尖學生培養計劃的實證研究",經濟研究 (2020年2月), 52-67
陸毅, 王瑾, 朱連明. "區域性經濟政策奏效嗎?來自中國經濟開發區的實證證據", 比較 (2019年10月), 2019年第5期
呂炜, 周佳音, 陸毅. "理解央地财政博弈的新視角——來自地方債發還方式改革的證據", 中國社會科學 (2019年10月), 134-159
呂越, 陸毅, 吳嵩博, 王勇. "'一帶一路'倡議的對外投資促進效應----基于2005-2016年中國企業綠地投資的雙重差分檢驗", 經濟研究 (2019年9月), 187-202
蔣靈多, 陸毅, 紀珽. "貿易自由化是否助于國有企業去杠杆", 世界經濟 (2019年9月), 101-125
謝申祥, 陸毅, 蔡熙乾. "開放經濟體系中勞動者的工資議價能力", 中國社會科學 (2019年5月), 40-59
周茂, 李雨濃, 姚星, 陸毅. "人力資本擴張與中國城市制造業出口升級:來自高校擴招的證據", 管理世界 (2019年5月), 64-77
唐愛迪, 陸毅, 杜清源. "我國外彙儲備的溢出效應研究----基于引力模型的分析", 金融研究 (2019年4月): 1-19
周茂, 陸毅, 李雨濃. "地區産業升級與勞動收入份額:基于合成工具變量的估計", 經濟研究 (2018年11月), 132-147
蔣靈多, 陸毅. "市場競争加劇是否助推國有企業加杠杆", 中國工業經濟 (2018年11月), 155-173
蔣靈多, 陸毅, 陳勇兵. “城市毗鄰效應與出口比較優勢”, 金融研究 (2018年9月), 56-73
蔣靈多, 陸毅, 陳勇兵. "市場機制是否利于“僵屍企業”處置?——以外資自由化為例”, 世界經濟 (2018年9月), 121-145
周茂, 陸毅, 杜豔, 姚星. “開發區設立與地區制造業升級”, 中國工業經濟 (2018年3月), 62-79
蔣靈多, 陸毅. "最低工資标準能否抑制新僵屍企業的形成“, 中國工業經濟 (2017年11月), 118-136
盛丹, 陸毅. "國有企業改制降低了勞動者的工資議價能力嗎?", 金融研究 (2017年1月), 69-82
周茂, 陸毅, 符大海. "貿易自由化與中國産業升級:事實與機制", 世界經濟 (2016年10月), 78-102
盛丹, 陸毅. "出口貿易是否會提高勞動者工資的集體議價能力", 世界經濟 (2016年5月), 122-145
周茂, 陸毅, 陳麗麗. "企業生産率與企業對外直接投資進入模式選擇:來自中國企業的證據",管理世界 (2015年11月), 70-86
餘林徽, 陸毅, 路江湧. "解構經濟制度對我國企業生産率的影響", 經濟學(季刊) (2013年10月), 13卷第1期, 127-150
吳敏琴, 陸毅, 陳斌. "産業集聚與企業養老保險:基于中國制造業的證據", 南開經濟評論 (2013), 第3期, 83-94
路江湧, 陸毅, 餘林徽. "外方總經理對企業盈利能力影響的實證研究", 南開管理評論 (2012年), 第5期, 64-73
陸毅, 李冬娅, 方琦璐, 陳熹. "産業集聚與企業規模", 管理世界 (2010年8月), 2010年第8期
駱品亮, 陸毅. "競争性品牌策略:進入遏制角度的分析", 管理科學學報 (2007年8月), 第10卷第4期, 24-31
駱品亮, 陸毅. "共同代理與獨家代理的激勵效率比較研究", 管理科學學報 (2006年2月), 第9卷第1期, 47-53
駱品亮, 陸毅. "我國研究型高校薪酬制度的研究", 研究與發展管理 (2004年4月), 第16卷第2期, 63-70
駱品亮, 陸毅. "學術腐敗與學術激勵", 科研管理 (2003年7月), 第24卷第4期, 15-21
駱品亮, 陸毅. "合作R&D的組織形式與虛拟研發組織", 科研管理 (2002年11月), 第23卷第6期, 67-73
"Trade and Welfare Effects of Export Tax: Theory and Evidence from China's Incomplete Export VAT Rebate", (with Eric Bond, Yuwan Duan, and Ting Ji), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (October 2023), Vol.214, 542-560. [Paper]
"Import Competition and Workplace Safety in the U.S. Manufacturing Sector", (with Tat-kei Lai and Travis Ng), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (November 2022), Vol. 203, 24-42. [Paper]
"Gender Peer Effects on Students' Academic and Noncognitive Outcomes: Evidence and Mechanism", with (Jie Gong and Hong Song), Journal of Human Resources (Summer 2021), Vol. 56, 686-710. [Paper]
"Education and Mental Health: Evidence and Mechanisms", (with Wei Jiang and Huihua Xie), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (December 2020), Vol. 180, 407-437. [Paper]
"The Average and Distributinal Effects of Teenage Adversity on Long-Term Health", (with Jie Gong and Huihua Xie), Journal of Health Economics (May 2020), Vol. 71, 102288. [Paper]
"Did the Communists Contribute to China’s Rural Growth?", (with Mona Luan and Tuan Hwee Sng), Explorations in Economic History (January 2020), Vol. 75, 101315.[Paper]
"The Effect of Educational Technology on College Students’ Labor Market Performance", (with Hong Song), Journal of Population Economics (January 2020), Vol. 33, 1101-1126. [Paper]
"Long-Term Impact of Trade Liberalization on Human Capital Formation", (with Jie Li, Hong Song and Huihua Xie), Journal of Comparative Economics (December 2019), Vol. 47, 946-961. [Paper]
"Competitive Experience and Gender Difference in Risk Preference, Trust Preference and Academic Performance: Evidence from Gaokao in China, (with Xinzheng Shi and Songfa Zhong), Journal of Comparative Economics (December 2018), Vol. 46, 1388-1410. [Paper]
"The Impact of Temperature on Manufacturing Worker Productivity: Evidence from Personnel Data", (with Xiqian Cai and Jin Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics (December 2018), Vol. 46, 889-905. [Paper]
"How Do Exporters Adjust Export Product Scope and Product Mix to React to Antidumping?", (with Zhigang Tao and Yan Zhang), China Economic Review (October 2018), Vol. 51, 20-41. [Link]
"The Great Opening up and the Roadmap for the Future: The Story of China's International Trade", (with Yan Du), China & World Economy (March--April 2018), Special Issue: 40 Years of Economic Reform and Openness in China, Vol. 26 (2), 68-93. [Link]
"Vertical Integration and Firm Productivity", (with Hongyi Li and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Economics Management and Strategy (Summer 2017), Vol. 26 (2), 403-428. [Paper]
"Institutional Quality and Firm Survival", (with Yi Che and Zhigang Tao), Economics of Transition (July 2017), Vol. 25 (3), 495-525. [Paper]
"Intermediaries, Firm Heterogeneity, and Exporting Behavior: Evidence from Developing Economies", (with Jiangyong Lu, Yi Sun, and Zhigang Tao), World Economy (July 2017), Vol. 40 (7), 1381-1404. [Paper]
"Telecommunications Externality on Migration: Evidence from Chinese Villages", (with Huihua Xie and Colin Xu), China Economic Review (July 2016), Vol. 39, 77-90. [Paper]
"Does Trade Credit Boost Firm Performance?", (with Dongya Li, Travis Ng, and Jun Yang), Economic Development and Cultural Change (April 2016), Vol. 64 (3), 573-602. [Paper]
"Government Expropriation and Chinese-Style Firm Diversification", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Comparative Economics (February 2015), Vol. 43 (1), 155-169. [Paper]
"The Role of the State in Resolving Business Disputes in China", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Comparative Economics (December 2014), Vol. 42 (4), 940-953. [Paper]
"Does Competition Lead to Customization?", (with Wen-Tai Hsu and Travis Ng), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (October 2014), Vol. 106, 10-28. [Paper]
"Pure Exporter: Theory and Evidence from China", (with Jiangyong Lu and Zhigang Tao), World Economy (September 2014), Vol. 37 (9), 1197–1333. [Paper]
"City-industry Growth in China", (with Juan Ni, Zhigang Tao, and Linhui Yu), China Economic Review (December 2013), Vol. 27, 135-147. [Paper]
"The Impact of Income on Democracy Revisited", (with Yi Che, Zhigang Tao, and Peng Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics (February 2013), Vol. 41 (1), 159-169. [Paper]
"Do Institutions not Matter in China? Evidence from Manufacturing Enterprises", (with Ivan P.L. Png and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Comparative Economics (February 2013), Vol. 41 (1), 74-90. [Paper]
"Do Imports Spur Incremental Innovation in the South?", (with Travis Ng), China Economic Review (December 2012), Vol. 23 (4), 819-832. [Paper]
"Bank Loans versus Trade Credit: Evidence from China", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Economics of Transition (July 2012), Vol. 20 (3), 457-480. [Paper]
"Do Domestic and Foreign Exporters Differ in Learning by Exporting? Evidence from China", (with Julan Du, Zhigang Tao, and Linhui Yu), China Economic Review (June 2012), Vol. 23 (2), 296-315. [Paper]
"Institutions, Culture Distance, and FDI Location Choice: Evidence from China", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Asian Economics (June 2012), Vol. 23 (3), 210-223. [Paper]
"Industrial Agglomeration and Firm Size: Evidence from China", (with Dongya Li and Mingqin Wu), Regional Science and Urban Economics (March 2012), Vol. 42 (1-2), 135-143. [Paper]
"Outsourcing, Product Quality, and Contract Enforcement", (with Travis Ng and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy (Spring 2012), Vol. 21 (1), 1-30. [Paper]
"Contracting Institutions and Vertical Integration: Evidence from China's Manufacturing Firms", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Comparative Economics (February 2012), Vol. 40 (1), 89-107. [Paper]
"Political Connections and Trade Expansion: Evidence from Chinese Private Firm", Economics of Transition (April 2011), Vol 19 (2), 231–254. [Paper]
"Union Effects on Performance and Employment Relations: Evidence from Chinese Private Enterprises", (with Zhigang Tao and Yijiang Wang), China Economic Review (March 2010), Vol. 21 (1), 202-210. [Paper]
"Contract Enforcement and Family Control of Business: Evidece from China", (with Zhigang Tao), Journal of Comparative Economics (December 2009), Vol. 37 (4), 597-609. [Paper]
"Excludable Public Goods: Pricing and Social Welfare Maximization", (with Chong-en Bai and Zhigang Tao), Economics Letters (May 2009), Vol. 103 (2), 72-74. [Paper]
"FDI Location Choice: Agglomeration vs. Institutions", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), International Journal of Finance and Economics (January 2008), Vol. 13 (1), 92-107.
"Why Do Firms Conduct Bi-sourcing", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Economics Letters (August 2006), Vol. 92 (2), 245-249. [Paper]