1. 何平, 新時代的企業家精神, 中國紀檢監察報, Vol.7No., pp.2, 2020
2. Zehao Liu and Ping He, “Real Liquidity and Banking”, Journal of Financial Intermediation, in press, 2020
3. Ping He, Lin Ma, Kun Wang and Xing Xiao, “IPO Pricing Deregulation and Ownership Structure of Chinese Public Firms”, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol 107, 2019
4. Li, Yinan, Yang, Wentao, Ping He, Chen, Chang, Wang, Xiaonan, "Design and management of a distributed hybrid energy system through smart contract and blockchain", Applied Energy, 248No., pp.390-405, 2019
5. 何平, "論資本市場中的政府職能:目标、定位與邊界", 學術前沿, 2期, 22-29頁, 2018
6. 何平, 劉澤豪, 方志玮, "影子銀行、流動性與社會 融資規模", 經濟學季刊, 01期, 45-72頁, 2018
7. Feng Gao, AlexXi He, Ping He, "A theory of intermediated investment with hyperbolic discounting investors", Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.177, No.9, pp.70-100, 2018
8. 何平, "國債期貨交易對利率市場波動性影響的實證檢驗", BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站學報(自然版), 5期, 544-549頁, 2017
9. 馬琳, 何平, 王琨, "終極控股權、政府幹預與産業結構", 金融科學, 1期, 173-187頁, 2017
10. 李瑞鵬, 何平, 朱婕, "放松貸款利率管制與商業銀行貸款效率", 經濟學報, 3期, 1卷, 239-259頁, 2016
11. Ping He, Kun Wang, Xing Xiao, "Does Government Control Always Reduce Firm Value? Theory and Evidence from China. Vol. 17, The Political Economy of Chinese Finance", 2016
12. Ping He, Lixin Huang and Randall Wright, Money and Banking in Search Equilibrium, International Economic Review, Vol 46(2), 637-670, May 2005
13. Ping He, A Theory of IPO Waves, Review of Financial Studies, Vol 20, No. 4, 983-1020, July 2007, Lead Article
14. Gary Gorton and Ping He, Bank Credit Cycles, Review of Economic Studies, Vol 75, 1181–1214, October 2008
15. Ping He, Lixin Huang and Randall Wright, Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 55, 1013–1024, September 2008, Lead Article
16. 何平、金夢,“信用評級在中國證券市場的影響力”,《金融研究》,2010(4),15-28
17. “非控股國有股權、投資效率與公司業績”,陸瑤、何平、吳邊,《BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站學報(自然科學版)》,2011(4),513-520
18. Gary Gorton, Ping He and Lixin Huang, Security Price Informativeness with Delegated Traders, American Economic Journal—Microeconomics, November 2010, 2(4), 137-170
19. Ping He and Xiaoqing Hu: Household Investment—the Horizon Effect, Review of Behavioral Finance, November 2010, 2(2), 81-105
20. 馮俊新、王鶴菲、何平、李稻葵:金融危機後西方學術界對宏觀經濟學的反思,《經濟學動态》,2011(11),11-18
21. 何平、聶光宇、王廣龍、張翔:Optimal Monetary Policy in China,China & World Economy,2011(1)
22. 王廣龍、何平、馬弘、李求實:公允價值計量與股價同步性研究,中國大陸進出口行業彙率彈性及其受資本密集度的影響,《BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站學報(自然科學版)》,2012(6)
23. 謝成博、張海燕、何平,公允價值計量與股價同步性研究-基于資本市場和個股層面的研究,《中國會計評論》,10(3),233-254,2012
24. 何平、李瑞鵬、吳邊:機構投資者詢價制下主承銷商聲譽能幫助公司降低IPO抑價嗎?《投資研究》, 2014(3)
25. Gary Gorton,Ping He,Lixin Huang:Agency Based Asset Pricing,Journal of Economic Theory,2014,311-349
26. 張翔、何平、馬菁蘊:人民币彙率彈性和我國貨币政策效果,《金融研究》,2014
27. 謝成博、張海燕、何平,更多信息披露還是更多系統風險?公允價值計量對中國資本市場的影響研究,《金融學季刊》,8(2),24-48,2014
28. 何平、吳添、姜磊、伍良傑:投資者情緒與個股波動關系的微觀檢驗,《BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站學報(自然科學版)》,54(5),655-663,2014
29. 馬琳、何平、殷切:中國A股市場短期與長期定價效率研究,《中國軟科學》,2015(3),182-192
30. 李瑞鵬、何平、朱婕:放松貸款利率管制與商業銀行貸款效率,《經濟學報》,3(1),52-82,2016