• 期刊論文
1. Gao, Ping, Gao, Xudong, Liu, Guanyu, Government-Controlled Enterprises in Standardization in the Catching-Up Context: Case of TD-SCDMA in China, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, pp.1-14, 2020
2. 高旭東, 王舒揚, 李曉華, 王金曉, 王曉瑜, 從“追趕周期”的視角理解我國電信設備産業的追趕與超越, 創新科技, Vol.08, No.20, pp.15-28, 2020
3. 高旭東, 重大危機中的戰略管理:抗疫何以獲得重大階段性成功, 清華管理評論, Vol.5, No., pp.106-111, 2020
4. Jizhen Li, Huaxiao Li, Cong Chen, Xudong Gao, Growth of academic spin-offs from 0 to 1, Science Research Management, Vol.6, No.41, pp.139-148, 2020
5. 逯宇, 高旭東, 羅敏行, 在場可得性、敏捷性與軟件高質量供給分析, 大衆标準化, Vol.17, No., pp.18-21, 2020
6. Xudong Gao, "Approaching the technological innovation frontier: evidence from Chinese SOEs", Industry and Innovation, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 100-120, 2019
7. 王舒揚, 吳蕊, 高旭東, 李曉華, "民營企業黨組織治理參與對企業綠色行為的影響", 經濟管理, 8期, 41卷, 40頁, 2019
8. 高旭東, "建立以本土企業為主體的協同創新機制研究", 重慶郵電大學學報(社會科學版), 6期, 98-110頁, 2019
9. 高旭東, "管理創新70年:中國的經驗與挑戰", 清華管理評論, 10期, 83-90頁, 2019
10. Xudong Gao, "Reflections on “Effective Strategies to Catch Up in the Era of Globalization”", Research Technology Management, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 16-18, 2018
11. Xudong Gao, "Effective Strategies to Catch Up in the Era of Globalization", Research Technology Management, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 19-26, 2018
12. 王舒揚, 高旭東, "何種人力資本對海歸創業者更有效: 管理還是技術?", 科研管理, 2期, 1-9頁, 2018
13. 王舒揚, 吳蕊, 高旭東, "融資期望違背後的暈輪效應——基于海歸創業者的創業環境滿意度研究 ", 科學學研究, 03 期, 484-492頁, 2018
14. 高旭東, "BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站技術創新研究中心; 不可替代的創新:大型國企創新實踐的啟示", 清華管理評論, 09期, 64-69頁, 2018
15. Keun Lee, Xudong Gao, Xibao Li, "Industrial Catch-up in China: A Sectoral Systems of Innovation Perspective ", Cambridge Journal Of Regions Economy and Society, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 59-76, 2017
16. Gao, Xudong, 2014. A latecomer's strategy to promote a technology standard: The case of Datang and TD-SCDMA. Research Policy, Vol.43,No.3,pp.597-607
17. Gao, Xudong, Gerst, M., Sun, R. 2015. "Understanding MNEs’ declined position in the adoption of locally developed technology standard in China: A positioning and cognitive perspective", Telecommunications Policy,Vol.,No.38,pp.878,2014
18. Gao, Xudong, 2014. The Rules Have Changed: A Case Study of Chinese Government Support of Local Technologies. Research-Technology Management, January-February,11-14.
19. Gao, Xudong, 2013. China’s technology policy change: How effective has it been? China: An International Journal
20. Gao, Xudong, 2013. Strengthening China’s national innovation systems through the development of technology standards: experiences and lessons from the case of TD-SCDMA. Asia Pacific Tech Monitor, May-Jun, 2013, 28-33.
21. Gao, Xudong, Jianxin Liu, 2012. “Catching up through the development of technology standard: The case of TD-SCDMA in China”. Telecommunications Policy, 36(7): 531-545.
22. Gao X., 2011. “Effective Strategies to Catch Up in the Era of Globalization: Experiences of Local Chinese Telecom Equipment Firms”,Research Technology Management,Jan-Feb, 42-49
23. Gao X., Jiang Yu, Mingfang Li, 2010. "Developing effective strategies to address complex challenges: evidence from local high-tech firms in China", International Journal of Technology Management,Vol.2/3/4, No.51, 319-341
24. Gao X., Wu, Y., LI, M. 2010. "Managing complexity in the process of transforming new start-ups into well established firms in the Chinese economy context", Int. J. Business and Systems Research,Vol.5/6, No.4, 577-595
25. Gao X., J. Liu, K. Cai, and J. Li, 2007, Overcoming “latecomer disadvantages” in small and medium-sized firms: Evidence from China, Int. J. technology and Globalization, Vol. 3, No.4, 364-383.
26. Gao X., P. Zhang, and X. Liu, 2007, “Competing with MNEs: Developing Manufacturing Capabilities or Innovation Capabilities”, Journal of Technology Transfer,32:87-107.
27. Gao X. 2007, Developing innovation capabilities: The secret of rapid growth of China’s TV and telecom industries, Asia Pacific Tech Monitor, May-Jun, 2007, 28-33.
28. Fan, P., X. Gao, Kazuo N. Watanabe, 2007. Technology strategies of innovative Chinese domestic companies, Int. J. technology and Globalization, Vol. 3, No.4, 344-363.
29. 李紀珍, 鄧衢文, 高旭東, 赫運濤系統失靈視角下的技術創新服務平台功能設計, 科學學與科學技術管理, 9期,31卷,77-83頁,2010
30. 葛滬飛,仝允桓,高旭東,開放式創新下組織吸收能力概念拓展,科學學與科學技術管理, 2期,46-52頁,2010
31. 葛滬飛,仝允桓,高旭東,我國企業自主研發内生信心因素實證研究,研究與發展管理管理, 4期,22卷,10-19頁,2010
32. 高旭東,我國通信企業創新與發展的回顧與展望:國家政策與企業戰略,移動通信,3期,2010
33. 高旭東,中國通信産業的技術創新:形式判斷與政策和戰略選擇,移動通信,23期,2010
34. 張利平, 仝允桓, 高旭東, "資源基礎觀視角下的中國企業的核心能力和競争策略研究——基于李甯體育用品公司的案例研究", 科學學與科學技術管理 , 11期, 30卷, pp. 157-163, 2009
35. 高旭東, "3G時代中國電信及CDMA的創新發展策略分析", 移動通信 , 3期, 33卷, 2009
36. 高旭東, "對建立“自主技術創新國家工程”的理論思考", 工程研究 , 2期, 1卷, pp. 125-132, 2009
37. 高旭東, "企業自主創新能力培養:理論、戰略和政策", 戰略管理評論 , 1期, 1卷, pp. 31-66, 2009
38. 高旭東, "經濟全球化時代: 自主創新, 你準備好了嗎?", 張江新經濟 , 2008
39. 高旭東, "求解電信産業謎局", 北大商業評論 , 2008
40. 高旭東, "TD-SCDMA産業發展環境及未來趨勢分析", 移動通信 , 10期, 2008
41. 高旭東, "對自主技術創新的理論思考", 科學 , 2008
42. 高旭東, "中國企業自主創新之路連載三:自主技術創新的政府政策", 中歐商業評論 , 11期, 2008
43. 高旭東, "中國企業自主創新之路連載一:到自主技術創新的時候了", 中歐商業評論 , 9期, 2008
44. 高旭東, "中國企業自主創新之路連載二:擺脫後來者劣勢", 中歐商業評論 , 10期, 2008
45. 高旭東, 等,在小型和中型公司克服“後發劣勢”:中國的證據,技術和全球化,三卷,四期,364-383
46. 高旭東,等 “中國國内創新型企業技術戰略”,技術和全球化,3卷,4期,頁,344-363,2007
47. 高旭東, "讓TD/GSM雙網運營風險歸零", 通信世界 , 2007
48. 高旭東, "實現基于産業支持體系的自主技術創新", 科技中國 , 11月号期, pp. 48-49, 2007
49. 高旭東, "自主創新:轉變經濟發展方式的關鍵", 西部論叢 , 11期, pp. 39-42, 2007
50. 高旭東, "發展自主核心技術的戰略意義和方法", 創新管理評論 , 2007
51. 高旭東, "破解“後來者劣勢”促進自主技術創新升級", 科技日報 , 2007
52. 高旭東, “發展技術能力”,亞太技術監測,3期,第24卷,pp. 28-33, 2007
53. 高旭東, “與跨國企業的競争:開發制造能力還是創新能力”,技術轉讓,(2007)32:87-107
54. 高旭東, "自主技術創新的理論基礎", 創新與創業管理 , 2006
55. 高旭東, "我國企業發展自主品牌轎車的戰略措施", 中國創新管理前沿 , 2006
56. 高旭東, "WAPI與建設創新型國家的戰略分析", 移動通信 , 30期, pp. 18-20, 2006
57. 高旭東, 孫星雲, 李紀珍, "中國石油天然氣集團公司的自主技術創新", 中國科技發展研究報告 , 2006
58. 高旭東, "中國企業創新路徑圖", 北大商業評論. , 2006(5)期, pp. 40-45, 2006
• 專著
1. 高旭東, "企業自主創新戰略與方法",知識産權出版社,2007
2. 高旭東等,2007:中國電信設備廠商的創新能力和發展,在中國的新興市場中的新技術的風險投資p171 - 197
3. 高旭東等2006:外部環境,戰略,以及在中國高科技新創企業,在中國的新興市場中的新技術的風險投資p1112 - 1142
4. 劉振武, 孫星雲, 高旭東, "《中國石油集團公司技術創新案例》", 石油工業出版社, 2006
• 會議論文
1. Jizhen Li, Xiaohua Li, Xudong Gao, "Academics’ Identity Transition and Its Impact on Spin-off’s R&D Input", Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2019, Boston, USA, 2019
2. Gao Xudong, Li Jizhen, Yuan Wei, He Yuntao, Following the Approach of National Innovation System: Evidence from National Innovation Platform in China, TRIPLE HELIX Ⅷ International Conference, 2010
3. Gao Xudong, Li Jizhen, Capability Development in Complex Environments: Evidence from Chinese Telecom Equipment Industry, The Future of Industry and Innovation in Asia: Firms, Networks and Alliances, 2010
4. Gao Xudong, Indigenous innovation, latecomer disadvantage and non-market strategy:Lessons from the development of TD-SCDMA in China, "Evaluating Chinese Approaches to National Innovation: Comparative and Sectoral Perspectives" Conference. June 28-29. University of California, San Diego, 2010
5. Gao X.D., Li J.Z., Zhou Z.W., Wang D., "Restructuring the Chinese national innovation systems: From buying technology to developing technology", TRIPLE HELIX VII International Conference, 2009
6. Gao X.D., "Understanding the key features of the TD-SCDMA adoption process in China", Standards and Innovation Policy in the Global Knowledge Economy:Core Issues for China and the US,Beijing , 2009
7. 高旭東, "“以弱勝強”是國際化條件下“中國式管理”的核心問題之一", 第十三屆世界管理論壇暨東方管理論壇, 南京 , 2009
8. 高旭東, "開放條件下自主技術創新的制度安排", 第2屆“管理學在中國”學術研讨會,武漢 , 2009
9. Gao X.D., "Overcoming “latecomer disadvantages” in the development of innovation capabilities", GMC 07 , 2007
10. Gao X.D., “Managing Technological Innovation in State Owned Firms”, Presented at the ICMIT 2006 Conference, Singapore, June, 2006.
• 案例
1. 李紀珍, 高旭東, "吉化集團的科技人員激勵", 2008
2. 李紀珍, 高旭東, "大慶石化總廠的ABS新工藝創新", 2008
3. 吳貴生, 高建, 高旭東, 謝偉, "AIE2008會議論文集", 2008