"Probing Digital Footprints and Reaching for Inherent Preferences: A Cause-Disentanglement Approach to Personalized Recommendations". Information Systems Research (ISR), forthcoming. (with C Wang, YS Shi, XH Guo)
"Dynamic Bayesian Network Based Product Recommendation Considering Consumer's Multi-Stage Shopping Journeys: A Marketing Funnel Perspective". Information Systems Research (ISR), 35(3), 2024, 1382-1402. (with Q Wei, Y Mu, XH Guo, WJ Jiang)
"When the Clock Strikes: A Multi-Method Investigation of On-the-Hour Effects in Online Learning". Information Systems Research (ISR), 35(2), 2024, 766-782. (with N Huang, LL Wang, YL Hong, LH Lin, XH Guo)
"A Warning Approach to Mitigating Bandwagon Bias in Online Ratings: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Investigations". Journal of Association Information Systems (JAIS), 24(4), 2023, 1132-1161. (with D Wu, XH Guo, YJ Wang)
"Voice-Based AI in Call Center Customer Service: A Natural Field Experiment". Production and Operations Management (POM), VOL. 32, No.4, 2023, 1002-1018. (with LL Wang, N Huang, YL Hong, LN Liu, XH Guo)
“機器學習與用戶行為中的偏差問題:知偏識正的洞察”,《管理世界》,2023,39(5): 145-159。(合作者:郭迅華、吳鼎、衛強)
"When Images Backfire: The Effect of Customer-Generated Images on Product Rating Dynamics". Information Systems Research (ISR), VOL.34, No.4, 2023, 1641–1663. (with Y Guan, Y Tan,Q Wei)
“面向大數據管理決策研究的全景式PAGE框架”,《管理科學學報》,2023, 26(5): 4-22。(合作者:張維,任之光,管悅,衛強)
"First Things First? Order Effects in Online Product Recommender Systems". ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (ACM TOCHI), VOL. 30, NO. 1, 2023, 15:1-35. (with XH Guo, LL Wang, MY Zhang)
"Graph-Based Embedding Smoothing for Sequential Recommendation". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE), VOL. 35, NO.1, 2023, 496-508. (with TY Zhu, LL Sun)
"Embedding Disentanglement in Graph Convolutional Networks for Recommendation". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE), VOL. 35, NO.1, 2023, 431 - 442. (with TY Zhu, LL Sun)
"A Review Selection Method for Finding an Informative Subset from Online Reviews". INFORMS Journal on Computing (INFORMS JOC), V33, N1, 2021, 280-299. (with J Zhang, C Wang)
"Calibration of Voting-Based Helpfulness Measurement for Online Reviews: An Iterative Bayesian Probability Approach". INFORMS Journal on Computing (INFORMS JOC), V33, N1, 2021, 246-261. (with XH Guo, C Wang, Q Wei, ZQ Zhang)
"Automatic Treatment Regimen Design". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE), VOL. 33, NO.11, 2021, 3494-3506. (with LL Sun, CR Liu, CH Guo, H Xiong, YM Xie)
"Social Collaborative Mutual Learning for Item Recommendation". ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (ACM TKDD), Vol.14, No.4, 2020, 43:1-19. (with TY Zhu, GN Liu)
"Assortment Size and Performance of Online Sellers: An Inverted U-Shaped Relationship". Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS), V20, N10, 2019, 1503-1530.(with YM He, XH Guo)
"Deep Learning Based Personalized Recommendation with Multi-View Information Integration". Decision Support Systems (DSS), 118, 2019, 58-69. (with Y Guan, Q Wei)
"Identifying Complements and Substitutes of Products: A Neural Network Framework Based on Product Embedding". ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (ACM TKDD), 1303, 2019, 34: 1-29. (with MY Zhang, X Wei, XH Guo, Q Wei)
“管理決策情境下大數據驅動的研究和應用挑戰—範式轉變與研究方向”,《管理科學學報》,2018.7. (合作者:吳剛、顧遠東、陸本江、衛強)
"How ‘Small’ Reflects ‘Large’- Representative Information Measurement and Extraction". Information Sciences (INS), V460-461, 2018, 519-540. (with C Wang, MY Zhang, Q Wei, BJ Ma)
"Modeling Buying Motives for Personalized Product Bundle Recommendation". ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (ACM TKDD), V11, N3, 2017, 28:1-26. (with GN Liu, YJ Fu, H Xiong, C Chen)
"Extracting Representative Information on Intra-Organizational Blogging Platforms". MIS Quarterly (MISQ), V41, N4, 2017, 1105-1127. (with XH Guo, Q Wei, J Zhang, DD Qiao)
"Content and Structure Coverage: Extracting a Diverse Information Subset". INFORMS Journal on Computing (INFORMS JOC), 29:4, 2017, 660-675. (with BJ Ma, Q Wei, J Zhang, XH Guo)
"Providing Consistent Opinions from Online Reviews: A Heuristic Stepwise Optimization Approach". INFORMS Journal on Computing (INFORMS JOC), V28, N2, 2016, 236-250. (with ZQ Zhang, Q Wei, XH Guo)
"A Novel Bipartite Graph Based Competitiveness Degree Analysis from Query Logs". ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (ACM TKDD), V11, N2, 2016, 21:1-21:25. (with Q Wei, DD Qiao, J Zhang, XH Guo)
"Predicting the Incremental Benefits of Online Information Search for Heterogeneous Consumers". Decision Sciences (DSJ), V47, N5, 2016, 957-988. (with H Wang, XH Guo, MY Zhang, Q Wei)
"Corporate Blogging and Job Performance: The Effects of Work-related and Nonwork-related Participation". Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), 32:4, 2015, 285-314. (with BJ Lu, XH Guo, NL Luo)
"A Behavioral Distance for Fuzzy-Transition Systems". IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE TFS), V21, N4, 2013, 735-747. (with YZ Cao, SX Sun, HQ Wang)
"Business Intelligence and Analytics: research directions". ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (ACM TMIS), V3, N4, 2013, 17:1-10. (with EP Lim, HC Chen)
"Extracting Representative Information to Enhance Flexible Data Queries". IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (IEEE TNN), V23, N6, 2012, 928-941. (with J Zhang, XH Tang)
"Building a Highly-Compact and Accurate Associative Classifier". Applied Intelligence, 34(1), 2011, 74-86. (with X Zhang, Q Wei)
"Bisimulations for Fuzzy Transition Systems". IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE TFS), V19, N3, 2011, 540-552. (with YZ Cao, EE Kerre)
"A Fuzzy Petri Nets Model for Computing with Words". IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE TFS), 18(3), 2010, 486-499. (with YZ Cao)
"Towards Controlling Virus Propagation in Information Systems with Point-to-Group Information Sharing". Decision Support Systems (DSS), 48, 2009, 57-68. (with H Yuan, H Xiong, JJ Wu)
"Intelligent-Commerce Research in China". IEEE Intelligent Systems, 23(6), 2008, 14-18. (with D Zeng, FY Wang, XL Zheng, Y Yuan, J Chen)
"Mining Pure Linguistic Associations from Numerical Data". International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR), 48, 2008, 4-22. (with V Novak, I Perfilieva, A Dvorak, Q Wei, P Yan)
"Retraction and Generalized Extension of Computing with Words". IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE TFS), V15, N6, 2007, 1238-1250. (with YZ Cao, MS Ying)
"A New Approach to Classification Based on Association Rule Mining". Decision Support Systems (DSS), 42, 2006, 674-689. (with HY Liu, L Yu, Q Wei, X Zhang)
"Equivalence and Transformation of Extended Algebraic Operators in Fuzzy Relational Databases". Fuzzy Sets and Systems (FSS), 157(12), 2006, 1581-1596. (with XH Tang)
"Internet Diffusion in Chinese Companies - The Overall Process and Perceived Patterns". Communications of the ACM (CACM), 48(4), 2005, 54-58.(with XH Guo)
"Fuzzy Association Rules and the Extended Algorithms". Information Sciences (INS), 147, 2002, 201-228. (with Q Wei)
"Normalization Based on Fuzzy Functional Dependency in a Fuzzy Relational Data Model". Information Systems,V21, N3, 1996, 299-310. (with EE Kerre, J Vandenbulcke)
"A General Treatment of Data Redundancy in a Fuzzy Relational Data Model". Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS), 43, 1992, 304-311. (with J Vandenbulcke, EE Kerre)