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領導力與組織管理系    Flextronics 講席教授




辦公室:李華樓 B249





2012年獲德州農工大學Mays商學院   (組織行為)博士學位



自2021年起在BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站領導力與組織管理系任教授(長聘)和Flextronics 講席教授。曾在美國愛荷華大學商學院管理與創業系擔任助理教授(2012-2017)、副教授(終身教職)(2017-2020)、教授(2020-2021)。









在國際管理一流期刊Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Annals, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Research Methods, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Human Relations等發表一系列具有影響力的研究成果。研究成果在全世界範圍内得到廣泛的引用。


1.     Liu, S., Li, N., & Xu, M. (2022). Good Soldiers Instead of Good Change Agents: Examining the Dual Effects of Self-Sacrificial Leadership on Pro-Social Behavior and Change-Oriented Behavior in Teams. Journal of Management, 01492063221117529.

2.     Simsek, Z., Li, N., & Huang, J. L. (2022). Turbocharging practical implications in management studies. Journal of Management, 48(5), 1083-1102. (Editorial)

3.     Zhao, H. H., Li, N., Harris, T. B., Rosen, C. C., & Zhang, X. (2021). Informational advantages in social networks: The core-periphery divide in peer performance ratings. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106: 1093-1102.

4.     Zhang, X., Liao, H., Li, N., & Colbert, A. 2020. Playing It Safe for My Family: Exploring the Dual Effects of Family Motivation on Employee Productivity and Creativity. Academy of Management Journal, 63: 1923-1950.

5.     Li, Y., Li, N†*., Li, C., & Li, J. 2020. The Boon and Bane of Creative ‘Stars’: A Social Network Exploration of How and When Team Creativity Is (and Is Not) Driven by a Star Teammate. Academy of Management Journal, 6: 613-635.

6.     McCormick, B. W, Reeves, C. J, Downes, P., Li, N., & Ilies, R. 2020. Scientific Contributions of Within-Person Research in Management: Making the Juice Worth the Squeeze. Journal of Management, 46: 321-350.

7.     Zheng, X. S., Li, N*., Harris, T. B., & Hui, L. 2019. Unspoken Yet Understood: An introduction and initial Framework of subordinates’ Moqi with supervisors. Journal of Management, 45: 955-983.

8.     Li, Y., Li, N†*., Guo, J., Li, J., & Harris, T. B. 2018. A Network View of Advice-Giving and Individual Creativity in Teams: A Brokerage-Driven, Socially Perpetuated Phenomenon. Academy of Management Journal, 61: 2210-2229.

9.     Gardner, R. G., Harris, T. B., Li, N., Kirkman, B. L., & Mathieu, J. E. 2017. Understanding “It Depends” in Organization Research: A Theory-Based Taxonomy, Review, and Future Research Agenda Concerning Interactive and Quadratic Relationships. Organizational Research Methods, 20: 610-638

10.  Li, N., & Chiaburu, D. S., & Kirkman, B. L 2017. Cross-level influences of empowering leadership on citizenship and taking-charge: Organizational support as a double-edged sword. Journal of Management, 43: 1076-1102

11.  Sui, Y., Wang, H., Kirkman, B. L., & Li, N. 2016. Understanding the curvilinear relationships between LMX differentiation and team coordination and performance. Personnel Psychology, 69: 559-597.

12.  Li, N., Zheng, X.M., Harris, T. B., Liu, X., & Kirkman, B. L. 2016. Recognizing 'Me' Benefits 'We': Investigating the Positive Spillover Effects of Formal Individual Recognition in Teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101: 925-939

13.  Huang, J., Chiaburu, D. S., Zhang, X.A., & Li, N. 2015. Rising to the challenge: Deep acting is more impactful when tasks are appraised as challenging. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100: 1398-1408.

14.  Li, N., Zhao, H. H., Walter, S., Zhang, X. A., & Yu, J. 2015. Achieving more with less: Extra milers' behavioral influences in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100: 1025-1039.

15.  Burnett, M., Chiaburu, D. S., Shapiro, D. L. & Li, N. 2015. Revisiting how and when perceived organizational support enhances taking charge: An inverted u-shaped perspective. Journal of Management, 41: 1805-1826.

16.  Zhang, X. A., Li, N*., Ullrich, J., & van Dick, R. 2015. Getting everyone on board: The effect of executive differentiated transformational leadership on top management team effectiveness and subsidiary firm performance. Journal of Management, 41: 1898-1933.

17.  Chiaburu, D. S., Stoverink, C. A., Li, N., & Zhang, X.A. 2015. Extraverts engage in more interpersonal citizenship when motivated to impression manage: Getting along to get ahead? Journal of Management, 41: 2004-2031.

18.  Li, N., Kirkman, B. L. & Porter, C. O. L. H. 2014. Toward a model of work team altruism. Academy of Management Review, 39: 39:541-565.

19.  Li, N., Barrick, M. R., Zimmerman, R. D, & Chiaburu, D. S. 2014. Retaining the productive employee: The role of personality. Academy of Management Annals, 8: 347-395.

20.  Harris, T., Li, N., Boswell, W. R, & Xie, Z. T. 2014. Getting what’s new from newcomers: Empowering leadership, creativity, and adjustment in the socialization context. Personnel Psychology, 67: 567-604.

21.  Li, N., Chiaburu, D. S., Kirkman, B. L. & Xie, Z. T. 2013. Spotlight on the followers: Neutralizing the effect of transformational leadership on subordinates’ citizenship and taking charge. Personnel Psychology, 66: 225-260.

22.  Barrick, M. R., Mount, M. K., & Li., N. 2013. The theory of purposeful work behavior: The role of personality, job characteristics, and experienced meaningfulness. Academy of Management Review, 38: 132-153.

23.  Li, N., Harris, T., Boswell, W. R, & Xie, Z. T. 2011. The role of organizational insiders’ developmental feedback and proactive personality on newcomers’ performance: An interactionist perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96: 1317-1327.

24.  Chiaburu, D. S., Oh, I., Berry, C. M., Li, N., & Gardner. R. 2011. The five-factor model of personality traits and organizational citizenship: A meta-analysis.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 96: 1140-1166.

25.  Li, N., Liang, J., & Crant, J. M. 2010. The role of proactive personality in job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior: A relational perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95: 395-404.









2020年獲得美國工業心理學會(SIOP)職業早期生涯傑出科學貢獻獎。他目前擔任國際管理類學術期刊Journal of Management 副主編和Management and Organization Review執行主編。還擔任Journal of Applied PsychologyPersonnel Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior 編委。
