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International Journal of Innovation Studies(簡稱IJIS),中文刊名《國際創新研究學報(英文)》是一本緻力于創新領域的開放獲取式英文學術期刊。期刊由科學出版社主辦,教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站技術創新研究中心承辦,并由BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站陳勁教授任期刊主編,全球知名創新學者擔任編委。自2017年創刊以來,IJIS入選中國科學技術協會的中國科技期刊國際影響力提升計劃項目,已被SCOPUS數據庫,《FMS管理科學高質量期刊推薦列表》,丹麥高等教育與科學部認定的文獻計量數據庫BFI List(The Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator List)和國際開放獲取期刊數據庫DOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journals)收錄。IJIS旨在将重心放在多學科背景下的創新研究,發表來自全球經濟學、管理學、社會學、哲學、自然科學、工程科學、心理學、公共政策等多學科範式下的創新研究成果,提倡對創新的獨特觀察和多學科研究方法,總體目标是挖掘整理人類的創新規律。

International Journal of Innovation Studies(IJIS, ISSN 2096-2487, CN 10-1440/G3) is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed open access journal that seeks to advance theoretical and practical knowledge on innovation. IJIS is sponsored by Science Press (China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.), and co-sponsored and organized by RCTI, Tsinghua University (Research Center for Technological Innovation, recognized as Humanities and Social Sciences Key Research Base of the Ministry of Education in China). The Editor-in-Chief is Jin Chen, a professor at the School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, and recognized as one of the Thinkers50 global management thinkers of the Year 2021. The editorial board of the journal is composed of more than fifty world-renowned experts and scholars in the field of innovation.

Since its launch in March 2017, IJIS has been selected for the Global Impact Promotion Program of Chinese Sci-Tech Journals by the China Association for Science and Technology, and indexed and included in 1) SCOPUS, 2) FMS Journal Rating Guide by the Federation of Management Societies of China, 3) BFI List (Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator List by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science in Denmark), and 4) the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).

In the IJIS, we invite interdisciplinary researchers from economics, sociology, management studies, and psychology etc. to put forth their insights on innovations, so as to promote the incorporation of a broad and heterogeneous mix of research activities, as well as the engagement in fruitful intercourse with social scientists from different disciplines and fields. The IJIS invites scholars to look forward and discuss future directions of innovation studies.

E-mail: ijis@mail.sciencep.com or xiejy@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn

