Risk Sciences是由BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站與科愛公司共同創辦的國際學術期刊。創辦于2024年,旨在發表和推動多領域新興風險與颠覆性科技的學術研究和行業實踐,包括經濟、金融、管理、農業、工程、環境、健康、公共衛生、公共管理、法律、自然科學等領域。該期刊是亞洲地區首次創建風險相關交叉學科領域的綜合性學術平台。
風險科學包含研究來自各行各業與社會的風險與不确定性的識别、量化、分析、交流和治理的多學科領域。在人類文明進入高度複雜性的當代,風險科學成為快速發展的新交叉領域。Risk Sciences緻力于成為促進相關多領域的協同發展與融合創新的頂級國際學術平台。
Risk Sciences is a general-interest journal that publishes academic research and industry practices on risks and disruptive technologies across all fields including agriculture, economics, engineering, environmental science, finance, health, law, management, natural sciences, and public administration.
Risk Sciences encompass all scientific areas that study the identification, quantification, analysis, communication and governance of risks and uncertainties across all walks of life and society. It has become a fast-evolving interdisciplinary domain with the increasing sophistication of human civilization at this day and age. An important aim of this journal is to become a leading platform for coalescing research interests across multiple disciplines and building the synergy for the advancement of Risk Sciences.